Friday, March 23, 2012

Good Morning

Dear Caleb,

Your Grandpa DeHaan has a song he likes to sing to you from the musical "Singin' in the Rain." It's an appropriate song for your Grandpa D. because he wakes up as cheerful as robin in Spring. This video isn't the greatest quality because I was trying to figure out why it was steaming up, but it has Grandpa's song in it - and you grooving to it like nobody's business. Plus, your dad keeps pestering me to post it so he can watch it at the office. So here it is:

In addition to surrounding you with music, we're
also getting you used to the tools of the family trade
- tennis rackets.

Of course, it's important that you get outside and get some fresh air too!
I hear you shakin' your music shaker in the other room, so I'm going to leave this post and join your band. Love you, kid!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Lots of Laughs

There are few sounds as beautiful as a child's laugh. Think how much richer our lives would be if we delighted in every simple pleasure. 

p.s. Don't worry, honey. I was aware that he had a drumstick in his mouth, and I could feel where it was and knew that my movement wouldn't send it flying into the back of his throat. It only looks scary from the video. Breathe, breathe. See? Everything is ok;)