Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sliding Through March

This is a set up for the video at the end. We have watched it twenty times. That's a conservative estimate. The rest is a quick update. But really, the video is where it's at.

March came in like a lion. Put on your snow pants and chooks.*


*"Chooks: a word used in Upper Michigan, which refers to a knit cap sometimes referred to as a watch cap. It can also refer to any knit caps worn in cool weather. It is a Yooper dialect word which has no correct or standard spelling. Could be spelled chuk. It is from the French Canadian word, toque, which means the same thing. The Quebecois pronunciation is much like chook. The Anglo Canadians pronounce it toke, or took." (Urban Dictionary)

We had some emergency plumbing work done when we discovered that sewage was leaking under our house through our 100 year old corroded and holey pipes. After $6,000 (yikes!) we could rest easy knowing no sewage would be coming up into our basement (whew!).

This is what the process looked like. As a side note, you shouldn't give your lawyer a hard time for charging you a couple of thousand dollars to represent you. You would pay that to your plumber for two days worth of work. Just sayin'.

Baby C loves music. It's the first thing he asks for in the morning. He says "my soul, My Soul, MY SOUL." This is to let you know that he wants to hear 10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman. He also likes the hot dog song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

We found this toy train on Craigslist after we discovered it during our trip to Memphis, where Caleb visited his Aunt ZeeZee and Uncle Kiss. It is, hands down, his favorite toy to date. He plays with it several hours a day in many creative ways. We love you, little used-vtech-alphabet-train!

We still have our dogs. Paul bought them new toys while Caleb and I were in Memphis.

But really, this is what you have been waiting for. A scene from an indoor playground. This kid loves slides. He won't stop until you pull him off. Listen to him on the way down. Precious.

Don't you feel better for having watched that?