Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Nine Months Old

Dear Caleb,

You won't remember this, but your Dad and I will. The nine month well child doctor's appointment is the best. No shots. We took you in last Friday together. There are a lot of unique stresses that accompany owning your own business. The upside is your Dad has been at every single one of your doctor's appointments. He is also the one who holds you when you get your shots. He can calm you as quickly as I can and, let's face it, you have a special bond.

Maybe you bonded to Dad so quickly because you look so much alike. Maybe it's just an answer to one of my prayers. Either way, you are like two peas in a pod. That means I'm in big trouble once you're big enough to help him pull off the practical joke he enjoys so much.

Back to the nine month stats:

Weight = 23.4 lbs (90%)
Length = 30.25 in. (95%)
Head Circumference = 18.5 in. (90%)

You're still topping the charts in length, increasing in head circumference, and thinning out in weight. Your weight drop is attributed to your big milestone - crawling! We learned, via the pediatrician, that the army crawl is technically crawling. Up on your hands and knees is creeping. Who knew? According to those terms, you've been crawling for the last month and a half.

There's a single step down into the living room at Grandma & Grandpa DeHaan's house. You can crawl right over it now. Every now and then you like to pause and chew on it for a few minutes. This picture is a good demonstration of the ongoing debate over your eye color. I vote hazel. Some days it looks brown. Some days it looks blue or gray or green. The reason it changes so frequently is that you have a blue patch in the upper corner of each eye, the biggest patch is on your right eye. The rest of the eye looks light brown. I'm not sure what the end result will be, but it looks neat right now.

Your Great Grandma Horn (who's trying to claim the "Nana" title) came to visit you in May, along with her sweetheart. We don't get to see her as often as we'd like, so it turned into a family party. The Alling family came, mostly from Indiana - Kristy drove down from GVSU, your Great Uncle Doug came from Ohio and brought his fun friend Connie (who took this picture) and Uncle Chris and Aunt Stacey were in town from Tennessee. We had so much fun. You're a little young to fully appreciate karaoke night with Uncle Doug, especially since you go to bed at 7:30, but we were rocking it out all night long.

You're changing daily, little one. It amazes me. God is growing me too. I hope that you see Christ's love in me. There's no greater joy than knowing the One who made you. This past Sunday was your baby dedication at church. As soon as I get the photos and video back, we'll put it up here.

I'll love you forever. 

1 comment:

  1. This makes me smile...not just in my face, but in my heart, too. :)
